Bible codes plus is a generation ahead of any other codes program. Unlike a hidden code, bible prophecies are not arbitrary, and they do not spring from any private interpretation. Print to laser, inkjet, and special bar code label printers. Bible codes for windows software has been designed to explore the hidden dimensions and depths of the bible s text, that which lay hidden for centuries and can be brought into the light with the push of.
Bible code the internets most uptodate site on bible codes. Winxp, win7 x32, win7 x64, windows 8, windows 10, winserver, winother, windows2000, windows2003, windows server 2000, windows server 2003, windows server. Codes gives you the computing power to analyze the letters and words of the bible the way a kabbalist would. Bible codes plus bc2000 the bible code,bible codes,bible. Part 2 of how to download and install the free awesome bible codes software, bible codes search pro. April 24, 2018 the life bible code table bible code table by codesearcher ann. How happy we should be to have the bible s clear message and instruction, which can help us to know god. Side by side linear english translation of the bible. The products we offer on our website are the leading products on the market. Designed to work under windows 95, windows 98, windows nt2000, windows. With results shown many times on tv, codefinder leads the field in bible code research. Codefinder has a set of features that allow you to create a comprehensive report on the matrix and to. The most complete, advanced, and easy to use bible code program. Whether you want to search for your name or past, present and future events you will find that the codefinder millennium edition bible code software is the best tool for the job.
Server and application monitor helps you discover application dependencies to help. Amazing bible predictions, bible prophecies about obama, predictions of nostradamus, bible end times. Torah codes software software free download torah codes. Bible code oracle free download for windows 10, 7, 88.
This software incorporates the same equidistant letter sequence cipher used by the israeli scientists and rabbis who discovered the bible codes. Bible code software and examples codefinder millennium. Bible code oracle is the first and only easytouse bible code and torah code software. Abd pro sofware is suitable for novice users that want to experience the bible code phenomenon, as well as for advanced researchers that want to use the best bible code software available today.
The codes in the bible code are whats called equidistant letter spacing, or els. Bible codes plus2000 is a product of computronic corporation in savyon, israel, a company that has been creating leading edge bible code software programs. The word bible software free download and software. Bible code software and matrices download advanced bible. It is a collection of the best and most accurate bible codes materials written by the worlds leading torah bible codes experts, in particular haralick,rips,glazerson. The statistical likelihood of the bible code arising by chance has been thoroughly researched, and it is now widely. They interconnect, both numerically and pictographically. It adds accurate statistics, an extensive gematria engine, and many aids.
It comes complete with a full tutorial and a selection of english, greek and hebrew scriptures in which you can search for bible codes. The study and results from this cipher have been popularized by michael drosnins book the bible code. Bible codes 2000 uses the same process of equidistant skip intervals, discovered by the codes encrypted in the hebrew scriptures, with the addition of a unique, amazing feature. Automatic translation from english to hebrew and from hebrew to english. Bible shop now you can search for the existence of hidden codes in the bible on your own computer. In this article, we will discuss some of the basics about the three programs that we offer in our online store. The word bible software is an intuitive and powerful computer program which puts hundreds of bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, books and maps at your fingertips. Bible code oracle is a product developed by xentao. Torah codes 2000, from torah educational software win. The bible code software you can search for bible codes by yourself. The spaces between words are eliminated, so that the old testament is a continuous block of hebrew letters.
The word top is said to be encoded within the word troops as an els with a skip of 2. In reading about the bible codes, as with everything on this site, i simply ask that you keep an open mind and check out the evidence for yourself. Use the selected literature box on the left to load up parts of the bible and other literature to. Just type the search code in english and the program translates it to hebrew, searches and retrieves the text into a matrix, analyzes it and translates all the found words to english. Abd pro is the new generation of bible code software. Apocalypse and beyond history channel,encyclopedia of bible, computronic corp. Discover server and application network dependencies. An ancient tradition states that god dictated the first five books of the bible to moses, in a precise letter by letter sequence, which encodes historic facts, past, present and future. Bible code software eshop average yahoo merchant rating 4. The keys to the bible allow you to search the bible for any event or name, including your own and your families.
This teaching site has around 45 lessons that take you through the basic corrected, recorrected and then. The bible code software study, understand, decode the bible with bible code 2000 plus. Roy reinhold believes your life history is hidden in code in the bible. All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. The words found in a table are called equidistant letter sequences. Torah codes 2000 the ultimate bible codes analysis tool. Some codes are found by counting letters or by assigning numerical values to each letter in a text called theomatics. Bcp99 includes some wonderful features which, to concentrate in codes research, we have not included in bc2000, such as gematria, verse retrieval.
Codefinder runs on all current versions of microsoft windows, including vista, and will even run on macintosh. November 27, 2017 bible code codesearcher jonathan discusses bible code from golgotha table ron wyatt. Features torah codes 2000complete original hebrew text of the bible. Universities, polytechnics, college of educations, awarding institute e. The best coupon code for logos 8 there are plenty of coupon codes online, but were happy to give you the best ones right here. They are called equidistant letter sequences els for short because their letters come from the.
An asteroid hits in the ocean, causing a giant tidal wave, and splitting into 7 pieces, so 7. Most of the work was done by albuquerque freelancer michael haederle. Bible code softwares about us bible codes software. Computronic created the new premium keys to the bible program on the base level of their bible codes plus 2000 program, and then added many new wonderful features. The first of the six verses in which the balance bible code is found contains a complex acrostic that summarizes the picture bible code embedded there and also addresses the surface text in which it is found. The bible code, also known as the torah code, is a method described as a hidden code of selecting equidistant letter sequences from within the 3,300 year old hebrew bible that form words and phrases that demonstrate foreknowledge and prophecy. Our aim is to motivate people to discover the hidden wisdom of the holy bible and to provide you with the best bible codes software. The following seven clusters of bible code pictograms have paragraphs of encoded text that form about 40 pictograms in all. However, unlike the rest of this site, this page has very little information, from a field that, until about 1995, was researched by only about 10 people worldwide, all nonchristians. Bible codes are hidden messages purported to exist in the original text of scripture.
Computronic corporation is a leading israeli software company, which specializes in bible software. Bible code software comparisons hebrew bible macintosh. Use the form below to search for els codes in a block of text in any utf8 language. T orah code tables, or as they are popularly called bible codes, are tables made from the text of the torah, the five books of moses, in which related words can be found in horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, orientation patterns. November 25, 2017 bible code bin laden table an example of a very tight bible code table. Label flow bar code software includes over 2500 label templates. Torah codes software, free torah codes software software downloads, page 3. Search for anything from whether or not your name is in the bible to who is going to win the election. Many people claim to have discovered bible codes using mathematical patterns. The keys to the bible, the ultimate bible code software. Bible code prediction, bible code 2000, bible code prophecy, bible code program, bible code prediction, bible code prophecy as seen on history channel, bible code end of. Thirdly, you need to study a lot more than just this software program about the torah to understand anything that is going on with what is presented by this software. It is the ideal bible code software for both the beginner and the advanced researcher. Its the ultimate tool for discovering the bibles hidden messages.
Bible codes plus is not an update of previous bible codes programs but a. Exclusive knownohebrew technology opens the bible codes to millions of english speaking people. Our best bible program ever, includes all the features that made bible codes plus bc2000 such a success, plus many new, unique, and powerful features that. Including powerful mathematic scans ranging from overview to specifc. Codefinder millennium edition is the worlds fastest and most powerful bible code software, yet retains ease of use.
Also, see the pages on the king james bible code which discuss king james bible code patterns in matrices i generated on my computer, using bible code software. Introduction to the true bible code welcome this site. The keys to the bible includes all the decoding features of bible codes 2000, plus new ones such as turning the matrix vertical or horizontal, reversing it as a mirror, and drawing a specified area in the matrix for statistical analysis the codes found inside the area. You should have a good set of hebrew dictionaries handy, also a good hebrew wordprocessor program at your disposal. During drosnins fiveyear investigation of the 3,000yearold code in the bible that may reveal our future, he interviewed all the experts, here and abroad. Scroll, dna, mountain, lamp, fiery sacrifice, moses at burning bush. The vertical search functions were designed for elscoderesearchers with an interest in the hidden depths of the bible itself. Committed to being the worlds leading bible codes software providers. The principal computer programs sold by computronic corporation are the keys to the bible, the most complete and powerful computer tool for exploring the surface and depth of the bible,jerusalem dictionary the best bilingual, englishhebrew dictionary in the market and whos who in the bible. Bible codes plus 2000 makes it easy for the average person to achieve good results. Bible software els code bible code, vertical search functions. Free online app to find equidistant letter sequences els.
This file will download from the developers website. Includes bible codes plus bible codes 2000 and gematria software. Bible codes 2000 past, present and future events, encoded 3,000 years ago in the bible can now be decoded by computer. Bible codes 2000 uses the same process of equidistant skip intervals, discovered by the codes encrypted in the hebrew scriptures, with the addition of a unique, amazing feature read more gematria software. Bible code software using lxx, masoretic, gnt, and kjv. Take every other letter, and youll get the word top. Prophecy calendar for 2020 to 2025 recent past and. The english king james version bible code the bible code is a way of looking for hidden prophecies and passages in the bible, by using a software program to search for messages in the old testament hebrew text. Bible codes plus most advanced, most complete bible. It comes complete with a range of english, greek and hebrew scriptures along with a comprehensive tutorial and an extensive 55,000 word hebrew dictionary.
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